英语答题1.She told Jack,TOM and me to among. A talk it over, us B talk over it,us C talk it over,ourselves D talk over it,ourselves2.I'll do it by myself.I won't need helpA anyone's else B anyone else's C anyone others' D other anyone's3.I heard unt


1.She told Jack,TOM and me to ____ among____.
A talk it over, us B talk over it,us C talk it over,ourselves D talk over it,ourselves
2.I'll do it by myself.I won't need ____ help
A anyone's else B anyone else's C anyone others' D other anyone's
3.I heard____ until my friend told me about it.
A everything B something C nothing D abything
4.Would you like ___ more bread,Jack?
A any B another Clittle Da little
5.Only one student got the rightanswer.But ____ didn't.
A the other B another C others D the rest
6.He doesn't think ____ of them will go there with you.
A none Bsome C many D much
7.The film is dull and ___ people like it.
A a few B few C a little D little
8.Have you all____?t
A got ready everything B got everything ready for C got everything ready D got ready for everything
9.Help___to some sweets everyone,
A yourselves B your own C yourself D by yourself
10.He has six uuncles. Five of them are doctors and ___ is a driver.
A another B the sixth C other D the other
11.Believe or not,I did it all by ___.
A me B us C myself D ourselves
12.Neither of the twins ____ the toy train.
A like B likes C is like D are like
C.B.C.D.D.C.B.C.A.D.C.B. C.B.C.D.D.C.B.C.A.D.C.B.