英语翻译1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者 2;善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁 3;一个追求知识的学者必须有学习的时间 必须从诸般事务中摆脱出来4;忍耐使灵魂宁静 依靠坚忍渡过困难时期5;有些人保持沉默是因为无话可说 有些人保持沉默是因为懂得说话要适时


1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者
2;善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁
3;一个追求知识的学者必须有学习的时间 必须从诸般事务中摆脱出来
4;忍耐使灵魂宁静 依靠坚忍渡过困难时期
5;有些人保持沉默是因为无话可说 有些人保持沉默是因为懂得说话要适时
1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者.
The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations.
2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁.
The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship .
(介词用in :如:then we carved the statue with the special graver in fine craftsmanship,(当时我们用特制的雕刻刀用精湛的技艺雕刻了那个雕像)在一般表示动作的句子中,with 表示干活用的具体工具,in表示干活用的方法或看不见的某种“具体”的工具如 :in this way ,in English, in ink 等等)
3. 一个追求知识的学者必须有学习的时间 必须从诸般事务中摆脱出来.
A scholar who pursues knowledge must possess time to learn it and must get rid of too much of something insignificant .
4. 忍耐使灵魂宁静 依靠坚忍渡过困难时期
Exercising patience makes the soul be tranquillity , and going through the hard period needs perseverance .
5 . 有些人保持沉默是因为无话可说 有些人保持沉默是因为懂得说话要适时.
Some keep silence due to nothing to say .some keep silence due to knowing when to say .
1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者.
The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations.
2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁.
The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship .
(介词用in :如:then we carved the statue with the special graver in fine craftsmanship,(当时我们用特制的雕刻刀用精湛的技艺雕刻了那个雕像)在一般表示动作的句子中,with 表示干活用的具体工具,in表示干活用的方法或看不见的某种“具体”的工具如 :in this way ,in English, in ink 等等)
3. 一个追求知识的学者必须有学习的时间 必须从诸般事务中摆脱出来.
A scholar who pursues knowledge must possess time to learn it and must get rid of too much of something insignificant .
4. 忍耐使灵魂宁静 依靠坚忍渡过困难时期
Exercising patience makes the soul be tranquillity , and going through the hard period needs perseverance .
5 . 有些人保持沉默是因为无话可说 有些人保持沉默是因为懂得说话要适时.
Some keep silence due to nothing to say .some keep silence due to knowing when to say .