帮我的英语四级作文改错标题:To Work in Big Cities or Small Cities Directions:you should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in chinese:1.一些人认为在大城市工作对个人发展有利.2.另一些人认为在小城市工作更舒适.3.我的看法.Recently,the issue of working in big cities or in small cities


标题:To Work in Big Cities or Small Cities
Directions:you should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in chinese:
Recently,the issue of working in big cities or in small cities has given rise to a hot debate.Someone who advocate working in big cities claim that big cities has substantial advantage over the small cities in terms of the fundamental facilities and potential opportunities for personal development which anyone can hardly resist the temptation to distinguish themselves.It’s the magnetic opportunities that attract most of the teens.Nevertheless,the small cities have their own benefits.The others oppose the first ones point out that small cities is always with very charming and satisfactory environment which the big cities’ can hardly competes with.Further more,those who work in small cities appear to have almost no work pressure so that they can comfortably enjoy their work as well as their lives.Generally speaking,I would prefer big cities to small cities.I don’t mean to distinguish myself but contribute myself to the medical career.My motto is that a man without an object is like a fish without water,a being without air.My dream is not merely to absorb and digest the latest and advanced knowledge and skills but heal the wounded and rescue the dying as well.The big cities can promote me to achieve my ideal while the small cities fail to do.
big cities has改成big cities have
the magnetic opportunities改成a magnetic opportuinty
that attract 改成 that attracts
can hardly competes with改成can hardly compare to
small cities is 改成 small cities are
oppose the first ones point out 改成oppose the first point
but heal 改成but to heal
achieve my ideal 改成achieve my goal
promote me 改成promote myself
big cities has改成big cities have
the magnetic opportunities改成a magnetic opportuinty
that attract 改成 that attracts
can hardly competes with改成can hardly compare to
small cities is 改成 small cities are
oppose the first ones point out 改成oppose the first point
but heal 改成but to heal
achieve my ideal 改成achieve my goal
promote me 改成promote myself