根据表格内容,仿照例句,将话语补充完整.(英语题)我全部得分Bill是一位歌星,歌迷很想了解他上周的生活情况.你一记者的身份对他进行了采访.现在,请你根据采访记录一篇有关Bill的上周日生活报告.9:00-11:00 play football12:30 have lunch(fish&chips)1:30-3:00 watchTV3:30 go for a walk4:00-6:00 read a book6:30 play computer games 7:30 have dinner(meat,po


9:00-11:00 play football
12:30 have lunch
1:30-3:00 watchTV
3:30 go for a walk
4:00-6:00 read a book
6:30 play computer games
7:30 have dinner(meat,potatoes,salad,icecream)
9:00 go to bed
Bill's Sunday
Bill had a good time last sunday.From 9 to 11 he played football.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(100个单词左右最好)
He had fish and chips for lunch at 12:30,He watched TV from 1:30 to 3:00.At 3:30 he went for a walk.He read a book from 4:00 to 6:00 .At 6:30 He played computer games.He had meat,potatoes,salad and ice cream for dinner at 7:30.At last he went to bed at 9:00. He had fish and chips for lunch at 12:30,He watched TV from 1:30 to 3:00.At 3:30 he went for a walk.He read a book from 4:00 to 6:00 .At 6:30 He played computer games.He had meat,potatoes,salad and ice cream for dinner at 7:30.At last he went to bed at 9:00.