求翻译啊!英语求翻译啊1. 一个40岁的男人喝了很多酒,警察让他出示他的驾照.(driving license)2. 克拉克擅长于讲故事,但是他却加入了 绘画俱乐部,因为他想学习绘画,他也可以在绘画俱乐部交朋友.3. 在周末,我在家里教我的外甥数学,因为他 不擅长数学.写完作业后,他要么和朋友打篮球要么练习吉他.4. 在上学的日子里,我花费了大量的时间学习.在周末的时候,我会帮父母做家务,像刷碗、铺床、清洗餐具,因为让家变得整洁也是我的责任.5. 我的祖父母过着一种健康的生活.他们早起早睡, 早上去公园


1. 一个40岁的男人喝了很多酒,警察让他出示他的驾照.(driving license)
2. 克拉克擅长于讲故事,但是他却加入了 绘画俱乐部,因为他想学习绘画,他也可以在绘画俱乐部交朋友.
3. 在周末,我在家里教我的外甥数学,因为他 不擅长数学.写完作业后,他要么和朋友打篮球要么练习吉他.
4. 在上学的日子里,我花费了大量的时间学习.在周末的时候,我会帮父母做家务,像刷碗、铺床、清洗餐具,因为让家变得整洁也是我的责任.
5. 我的祖父母过着一种健康的生活.他们早起早睡, 早上去公园锻炼半个小时身体,饭后散步.
6. 托尼到了一个新学校.因为他的新学校离他家很远,而且他又起的很晚,因此他总是匆忙地穿衣、刷牙洗脸、吃早饭,然后步行到公交站,乘公交到学校.他上学从未迟到,但有时他记不得带作业,因此他不得不打电话叫他的爸爸或妈妈把他的作业带到学校来.
7. 有5个中学生住在一个小村庄里,他们每天不得不靠滑溜索去上学,因为在村庄和学校之间有一天大河,而且河上米有桥梁,而且河水湍急,不宜小舟摆渡,因此有一座桥是他们的梦想.埃米住在纽约,当她听到这个新闻,她梦想成为一名科学家帮助这些学生实现他们的梦想.
8. 在学校我们不能违反学校的规章制度.第一、准时到校;第二、不要在走廊上奔跑;第三、不要和同学打架;第四、上课保持安静;第五、穿校服;遵守学校的制度非常重要,因为学校制定这些规章制度来帮助进步.(进步:make progress)
1· A 40-year-old man drank a lot of wine, the police asked him to show his driver's license

2·Clark is good at telling stories, but he has to join the painting club, because he wants to learn to paint, he can also make friends in the painting club

3·On the weekend, I teach math,to my nephew at home because he isn't good at math,after finish the homework he often play basketball with friends or practice the guitar

4`On school days, I spent a lot of time to study on the weekends, I'll help my parents do household chores, like the dishes make the bed clean tableware, because let the home becomes clean and tidy is also my responsibility

5·My grandparents live healthily. they keep get up early ,spend half an hour in the morning in going to the park to exercise and take a walk after dinner

1· A 40-year-old man drank a lot of wine, the police asked him to show his driver's license

2·Clark is good at telling stories, but he has to join the painting club, because he wants to learn to paint, he can also make friends in the painting club

3·On the weekend, I teach math,to my nephew at home because he isn't good at math,after finish the homework he often play basketball with friends or practice the guitar

4`On school days, I spent a lot of time to study on the weekends, I'll help my parents do household chores, like the dishes make the bed clean tableware, because let the home becomes clean and tidy is also my responsibility

5·My grandparents live healthily. they keep get up early ,spend half an hour in the morning in going to the park to exercise and take a walk after dinner
