英语翻译下面是2007年和2011年这两年城市上班族所乘坐的交通工具的不同和所占的比例.要求写120个单词,这两年中 人们上班时所采用的方式有何不同分析造成不同的原因可能是什么2007年15%的私家车,2011年25%的私家车,2007年35%坐地铁,2011年40%坐地铁,2011年40%公交.2007年40%公交,2011年30%公交.2007年10%自行车,2011年5%自行车.


这两年中 人们上班时所采用的方式有何不同
The changes in transportation going to work between 2007 and 2011.
There are notable changes in transportation for people to go to work in recent years.The table below shows the figures of year 2007 and year 2011 for the three main ways of people travelling to their works:
Travel to work by 2007 2011
Private cars 15% 25%
Subway 35% 40%
Buses 40% 30%
Bicycles 10% 5%
Total 100% 100%
The figures from the table above show that there were two different trends in ways of travelling to work.While people taking cars and subways had increased over the period and those who took the buses and cycling to work had shown a decline.
The explanation for this phenomenon no doubt has something to do with our country's increasing living standards.More and more people earn more and they can afford driving their own cars to work.As a result,less and less people are now taking buses or riding bicycles.The reason people using the subways are also have increased that was due to the expansion of services and the improvement of service qualities.
The changes in transportation going to work between 2007 and 2011.
There are notable changes in transportation for people to go to work in recent years.The table below shows the figures of year 2007 and year 2011 for the three main ways of people travelling to their works:
Travel to work by 2007 2011
Private cars 15% 25%
Subway 35% 40%
Buses 40% 30%
Bicycles 10% 5%
Total 100% 100%
The figures from the table above show that there were two different trends in ways of travelling to work.While people taking cars and subways had increased over the period and those who took the buses and cycling to work had shown a decline.
The explanation for this phenomenon no doubt has something to do with our country's increasing living standards.More and more people earn more and they can afford driving their own cars to work.As a result,less and less people are now taking buses or riding bicycles.The reason people using the subways are also have increased that was due to the expansion of services and the improvement of service qualities.