关于托福作文提纲OR思路以下几个题目的观点以及与其对应的论点(两个即可)或大致思路.1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire for more money.2.Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a count


1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire for more money.
2.Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a country.
3.Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.
4.A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.
5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country are more interesting than those made in other countries.
才发现小女子没多少分了 ,灰常抱歉.
(1)profit is the nature and central in the realm of Business,every business are in want of earning as much as they can;
(2)money is the basic element for businessmen to operate their company,in want of running their business,they have to raise money to meet the cost of the funds and fees;
(1)though businessmen have to concentrate on earning,some kind person are not only desire for the money.they care about their workers and think about how to do their business well so that more customer could get benefit;
(2)some businessmen are really grateful for the money they gain.they think the money they gain should do help to those who pay for that.Just like some CEO or manager,they are not only the leader in their field of business but the celebrated donors when there is a disaster(忘了怎么拼了~).They give lots of money to the people who suffer from it in willing to help them get it through.
(1)school is the right place where our young students get educated.Only by improving our teaching skill or methods can we make a better education system among the youths so that they can get the ability to contribute to our society when they grow older;
(2)It is said the the youths is the future of our country.As a child,everyone is innocence.We get almost all our behavior or manner or more important,the knowledge,during the time we spend in school.Whether we could become a brilliant or well-behaved person is mostly depended on what we are taught in school.
(1)School is not the only way where we can get our knowedge from.People can get their knowledge from a lot of aspects.Due to the highly development of our techonoly skills,internet is becoming a part of our life.More and more students choose the online course instead of the regular course hold in school.The definition of "school" is not as clear as what it is in the past few years.
(2)When we discuss the issue of how to successfully develop our country,education is not the only problem that we should care about.There are lots of other significant aspects on the list of development.Lab-improving,Factory-developing...
(1)profit is the nature and central in the realm of Business,every business are in want of earning as much as they can;
(2)money is the basic element for businessmen to operate their company,in want of running their business,they have to raise money to meet the cost of the funds and fees;
(1)though businessmen have to concentrate on earning,some kind person are not only desire for the money.they care about their workers and think about how to do their business well so that more customer could get benefit;
(2)some businessmen are really grateful for the money they gain.they think the money they gain should do help to those who pay for that.Just like some CEO or manager,they are not only the leader in their field of business but the celebrated donors when there is a disaster(忘了怎么拼了~).They give lots of money to the people who suffer from it in willing to help them get it through.
(1)school is the right place where our young students get educated.Only by improving our teaching skill or methods can we make a better education system among the youths so that they can get the ability to contribute to our society when they grow older;
(2)It is said the the youths is the future of our country.As a child,everyone is innocence.We get almost all our behavior or manner or more important,the knowledge,during the time we spend in school.Whether we could become a brilliant or well-behaved person is mostly depended on what we are taught in school.
(1)School is not the only way where we can get our knowedge from.People can get their knowledge from a lot of aspects.Due to the highly development of our techonoly skills,internet is becoming a part of our life.More and more students choose the online course instead of the regular course hold in school.The definition of "school" is not as clear as what it is in the past few years.
(2)When we discuss the issue of how to successfully develop our country,education is not the only problem that we should care about.There are lots of other significant aspects on the list of development.Lab-improving,Factory-developing...