高考越来越近,面对繁重的学习任务,担心考试成绩,很多同学表示压力很大,请你向校报写一封信,信中内容应包括: ·分析同学压力大的原因 ·提出减压的方法(至少两种建议) ·表达期望,预祝同学们考试成功 注意:(1)词数不少于80; (2)在答题卡上作答; (3)书信格式及开头结尾均已给出(不计入总词数)。 参考词汇 高考:College Entrance Exam  









参考词汇 高考:College Entrance Exam



Dear editor:

As the College Entrance Exam is close many students are under great pressure

resulting in a lot of problems.

Some students can't sleep well and find it difficult to concentrate on class. Some students

are always in a bad mood. There are many reasons accounting for these problems. They are

afraid that they won't get the ideal scores they expect. They are worried they can't live up to their parents' expectations. They even think their future will be totally dark if they fail. These students are almost stressed out.

So how to relieve pressure? Listen to some music when you feel tired. Talk to your friends

your teachers or your parents when you lose confidence. Taking exercise and going out to enjoy

fresh air are also necessary.

Those mentioned above are all my suggestions. Hopefully these tips can help you. Wish you

success in the College Entrance Exam!

Yours sincerely




本文属于班开放性作文。要求写信给校报说明现象,分析原因,提出方法,表达期望。也属于议论文的范围,所以使用第三人称和一般现在时。要点:1. 高考越来越近,面对繁重的学习任务,担心考试成绩,很多同学表示压力很大;2.原因:担心无法考到高分,达不到父母的期望值。3,方法:听音乐,与朋友交流,多锻炼;4.表达期望:预祝同学们考试成功



①Taking exercise and going out to enjoy fresh air are also necessary.

②It is also necessary to Take exercise and go out to enjoy fresh air


Dear editor:

As the College Entrance Exam is close many students are under great pressure

resulting in a lot of problems.

Some students can't sleep well and find it difficult to concentrate on class. Some students

are always in a bad mood. There are many reasons accounting for these problems. They are

afraid that they won't get the ideal scores they expect. They are worried they can't live up to their parents' expectations. They even think their future will be totally dark if they fail. These students are almost stressed out.

So how to relieve pressure? Listen to some music when you feel tired. Talk to your friends

your teachers or your parents when you lose confidence. Taking exercise and going out to enjoy

fresh air are also necessary.

Those mentioned above are all my suggestions. Hopefully these tips can help you. Wish you

success in the College Entrance Exam!

Yours sincerely




本文属于班开放性作文。要求写信给校报说明现象,分析原因,提出方法,表达期望。也属于议论文的范围,所以使用第三人称和一般现在时。要点:1. 高考越来越近,面对繁重的学习任务,担心考试成绩,很多同学表示压力很大;2.原因:担心无法考到高分,达不到父母的期望值。3,方法:听音乐,与朋友交流,多锻炼;4.表达期望:预祝同学们考试成功



①Taking exercise and going out to enjoy fresh air are also necessary.

②It is also necessary to Take exercise and go out to enjoy fresh air

