英语翻译1他有他的缺点 单总的说来他是个好孩子 all in all 2这是她第一次离开她的祖国 it is the first time that..3我希望上医学院 这期间 我打算学化学 in the meantime4他突然意识到他对英语的了解相当少 be aware5我不喜欢别人在公共场合取笑我 make fun of


1他有他的缺点 单总的说来他是个好孩子 all in all
2这是她第一次离开她的祖国 it is the first time that..
3我希望上医学院 这期间 我打算学化学 in the meantime
4他突然意识到他对英语的了解相当少 be aware
5我不喜欢别人在公共场合取笑我 make fun of
2. It is the first time that she has left her homeland.
4. He suddenly became aware that he knew very little about English.
5. I don't like being made fun of in public.
2. It is the first time that she has left her homeland.
4. He suddenly became aware that he knew very little about English.
5. I don't like being made fun of in public.