求一篇关于高中生周末要不要补课的英语作文!要求:一、有一部人认为要补课、高考提前,抓紧时间复习;二、另一些反对、认为休息好,效率高;三:我的观点.(字数 80~100)


要求:一、有一部人认为要补课、高考提前,抓紧时间复习;二、另一些反对、认为休息好,效率高;三:我的观点.(字数 80~100)
Passing the National College Entrance Examination and being taken by a university, especially a keyuniversity, is the dream of every senior high school student. In order to carry out their dreams, the high school students are very busy making peraprations for the annual Entrance Examination. Some students think it is necessary to take every minute account to review their lessons becuase the Entrance Examination is fixed on June 7-9, which is one month ealier than the past. They the best way is to go to tutors' classes to make up the lessons they have missed or they haven't mastered. Some other stuents don’t thinks so. They think they should have a goord rest before the entrance examination because a better rest can make their mind more active and sensitive to answering questions on the Entrance Examination Paper so as to get a better grade. But in my own opinion, I can only agreed with them partially. I think the combination of work and rest is the best way to prepare our lessons for the National College Examination. Work hard without rest, you will be a fool; Rest without work, you will be nothing. The nursery rhyme still keep in my mind,that is “While you work, and play while you play. This is the way to be happy and gay.” (222 words) Passing the National College Entrance Examination and being taken by a university, especially a keyuniversity, is the dream of every senior high school student. In order to carry out their dreams, the high school students are very busy making peraprations for the annual Entrance Examination. Some students think it is necessary to take every minute account to review their lessons becuase the Entrance Examination is fixed on June 7-9, which is one month ealier than the past. They the best way is to go to tutors' classes to make up the lessons they have missed or they haven't mastered. Some other stuents don’t thinks so. They think they should have a goord rest before the entrance examination because a better rest can make their mind more active and sensitive to answering questions on the Entrance Examination Paper so as to get a better grade. But in my own opinion, I can only agreed with them partially. I think the combination of work and rest is the best way to prepare our lessons for the National College Examination. Work hard without rest, you will be a fool; Rest without work, you will be nothing. The nursery rhyme still keep in my mind,that is “While you work, and play while you play. This is the way to be happy and gay.” (222 words)