英语翻译2 这本书给我们印象最深的事它的生动语言。3 他沉迷电脑游戏,这使他的父母很失望。4 网络上的一些信息可能对于孩子产生可怕的影响。5 很多学生总是抱怨说学校饭堂的食物太难吃了。6 医生尽一切所能帮助那个病人渡过难关,但他们失败了。7 我妈妈常告诉我无论遇到什么困难,都决不能放弃。8 即使这次失败了 你然可以掌控自己的前途。9 我们准备做一个上面覆盖着草莓的圣诞大蛋糕。10 希腊位于欧洲的南部。11 许多退休的老人还用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。12 没有老师的帮助,我们就不能取得如此惊人的进步。1


2 这本书给我们印象最深的事它的生动语言。
3 他沉迷电脑游戏,这使他的父母很失望。
4 网络上的一些信息可能对于孩子产生可怕的影响。
5 很多学生总是抱怨说学校饭堂的食物太难吃了。
6 医生尽一切所能帮助那个病人渡过难关,但他们失败了。
7 我妈妈常告诉我无论遇到什么困难,都决不能放弃。
8 即使这次失败了 你然可以掌控自己的前途。
9 我们准备做一个上面覆盖着草莓的圣诞大蛋糕。
10 希腊位于欧洲的南部。
11 许多退休的老人还用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。
12 没有老师的帮助,我们就不能取得如此惊人的进步。
13 清远市一座迷人的城市,拥有400多万。
14 因特网使我们有可能用很短的时间从其他国家获得更多的信息。
15 她的眼睛正盯着那件外套,显示出极大的兴趣。
1.It's easy to make a wish,but it is difficult to make it come true.
2.The most impressed part of this book is its vivid words.
3.He is addicted to computer games ,which makes his parents very disappointed .
4.Some information on the internet may have an awful influence on children.
5.Many students always complain of the bad-tasted food in the school cafeteria.
6.Doctors try their best to help that patient pull through,but they failed .
7.My mother told me not to give up whatever difficulty I met.
8.You can still control your own future ,even if you failed this time.
9.We are going to make a big Christmas cake covered by strawberries.
10.Greece is located in the south of European.
11.Many retired oldies still make contribute to society with their rich experience.
12.We can't make such a stricking progress without the help of teachers.
13.Qingyuan is a fascinating city with more than 4 million people.
14.The internet can make us get more information from other countries in short time .
15.Her eyes are staring at that coat,showing great interest in it .
1.It's easy to make a wish,but it is difficult to make it come true.
2.The most impressed part of this book is its vivid words.
3.He is addicted to computer games ,which makes his parents very disappointed .
4.Some information on the internet may have an awful influence on children.
5.Many students always complain of the bad-tasted food in the school cafeteria.
6.Doctors try their best to help that patient pull through,but they failed .
7.My mother told me not to give up whatever difficulty I met.
8.You can still control your own future ,even if you failed this time.
9.We are going to make a big Christmas cake covered by strawberries.
10.Greece is located in the south of European.
11.Many retired oldies still make contribute to society with their rich experience.
12.We can't make such a stricking progress without the help of teachers.
13.Qingyuan is a fascinating city with more than 4 million people.
14.The internet can make us get more information from other countries in short time .
15.Her eyes are staring at that coat,showing great interest in it .