英语翻译1我们在这里拍照你介意吗?不介意请拍2这些书我们必须在本周归还吗?不必,你可以下周归还3我深信通过大量实践你的听说能力将被提高4我们是否听这个讲座?没关系(it don't metter whether)5从前爸爸骑车上班现在买了辆小轿车(use to)6我的数码相机出问题了我今天得去修理下7你的电视机已经用了十多年了不值得修了(worth)8到上月末为止学生在教学楼的周围已经种了许多树了(by the end of)9地板正在油漆(be being painted)10听英语广播对我们英语学习很


4我们是否听这个讲座?没关系(it don't metter whether)
5从前爸爸骑车上班现在买了辆小轿车(use to)
8到上月末为止学生在教学楼的周围已经种了许多树了(by the end of)
9地板正在油漆(be being painted)
10听英语广播对我们英语学习很有好处(listenting to the english broadcast)
11我们必须阻止学生浪费(prevent sb doning)
13前天农场里碰巧碰到老同学(happen to)
14政府正在采取措施,来解决空气污染(take measures) 15不敲门进入别人家是不礼貌的(it's not polite to)
1. ---Would you mind if we take photos here? ----Not at all, go ahead!
2.--- We ought to give these books back within this week? --- No, you may give them back next week.
3. I trust deeply that your speaking and listening ability will be improved after a large quantity of practice.
4. ---Shall we listen to this conference? ----- It doesn't matter whether we listen to it or not.
5. Dad used to go to work by bike, but he bought a car .
6. I'll have to have my digital camera fixed today.
7. Your TV set does not worth a repair as it has been working for ten years.
8.By the end of last month, students have planted a lot of trees all around the teaching building.
9.The floor is being painted.
10.Listenting to the english broadcast is really beneficial for our English study.
11. We must prevent the students from wasting.
12.It's really hard for you to search for an ideal job without knowledge and skills.
13. I happened to meet my ex-classmate on the farm.
14. The government is take measures to solve the problem of air pollution
15.It's not polite to break into others' house without knocking at the door.
1. ---Would you mind if we take photos here? ----Not at all, go ahead!
2.--- We ought to give these books back within this week? --- No, you may give them back next week.
3. I trust deeply that your speaking and listening ability will be improved after a large quantity of practice.
4. ---Shall we listen to this conference? ----- It doesn't matter whether we listen to it or not.
5. Dad used to go to work by bike, but he bought a car .
6. I'll have to have my digital camera fixed today.
7. Your TV set does not worth a repair as it has been working for ten years.
8.By the end of last month, students have planted a lot of trees all around the teaching building.
9.The floor is being painted.
10.Listenting to the english broadcast is really beneficial for our English study.
11. We must prevent the students from wasting.
12.It's really hard for you to search for an ideal job without knowledge and skills.
13. I happened to meet my ex-classmate on the farm.
14. The government is take measures to solve the problem of air pollution
15.It's not polite to break into others' house without knocking at the door.