你的叔叔杰克最近晋升为公司经理,并将过他40岁生日,用英语写一份祝贺信并表达对他健康,富有,快乐,和更大成功的祝福 只写出中间的正文就好了,格式我知道


并表达对他健康,富有,快乐,和更大成功的祝福 只写出中间的正文就好了,格式我知道
Dear Uncle Jake:Having known the good news of your promotion to the Company Manager,here I write to you to express my greeting of your successful.What’s more,I know your forty-year-old birthday is coming.So I will use this great opportunity to say:happy birthday and gain a healthier,richer,happier life in the future.And I believe you can be more successful soon after today.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,(你的名字)国际惯例,附上翻译:亲爱的杰克叔叔:我在知您晋升为公司经理的好消息之后,便迫不及待的给您写了这封信了.在此我对您表达我的问候,并希望您能获取更大的成功.正好最近您40岁的生日要到了,因此我便借花献佛,用这个千载难逢的机会预祝您在未来的生活中能更加健康,更加富有,更加快乐.我相信您一定能在不久的将来获取更大的成功的!您真诚的:(你的名字) Dear Uncle Jake:Having known the good news of your promotion to the Company Manager,here I write to you to express my greeting of your successful.What’s more,I know your forty-year-old birthday is coming.So I will use this great opportunity to say:happy birthday and gain a healthier,richer,happier life in the future.And I believe you can be more successful soon after today.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,(你的名字)国际惯例,附上翻译:亲爱的杰克叔叔:我在知您晋升为公司经理的好消息之后,便迫不及待的给您写了这封信了.在此我对您表达我的问候,并希望您能获取更大的成功.正好最近您40岁的生日要到了,因此我便借花献佛,用这个千载难逢的机会预祝您在未来的生活中能更加健康,更加富有,更加快乐.我相信您一定能在不久的将来获取更大的成功的!您真诚的:(你的名字)