英文作文 麻烦帮我改一改 英文求职作文Describe a difficult situation you met.Explain the tools that you used to solve this difficulty and what you learnt about it.麻烦大侠们帮忙再修改的更准确,句式优美一点!It was 2012,the time I had to manage a new Japanese restaurant.My ex boss decided to open


英文作文 麻烦帮我改一改
Describe a difficult situation you met.Explain the tools that you used to solve this difficulty and what you learnt about it.
It was 2012,the time I had to manage a new Japanese restaurant.
My ex boss decided to open a new Japanese restaurant in Belfort city,but he didn’t have any idea for how to create a Japanese restaurant and he didn’t had much time neither (he got to manage a Chinese restaurant).So he had assigned me to do it.Not only because I was already his assistant and the lobby manager of his Chinese restaurant,but also because I have learned Japanese food courses from a Japanese sushi master in China for about three months.
It was really a big challenge for me.Obviously,I’ve learned the basic courses of marketing,operation and management,but that was just limited to book knowledge,I didn’t have much practical experience.I’ve got so much pressure,it was really difficult for me that I have to make every single decision carefully and right.So at first,I discussed with my ex boss for every detail who concerned this project and what did he want exactly.After that I began to look on the internet for the decoration and the design for the restaurant.Once I’ve got the preliminary conception,I started investigating the Japanese restaurants in that city,one by one,I collected all the informations (menus,photos,the flow of customer at the weekends,the service quality etc).By analyzing and comparing all data I got,finely I could determine the style,the marketing orientation and the food price.
At the end of this experience,I realized that difficulties make you stronger,do not be afraid,just do your best.And don’t forget the informations make winners.
ex boss改为ex-boss
ex boss改为ex-boss