英语翻译从政治经济学的角度看,政府官员可能受到各个利益集团的影响,使得政府出台的公共政策成为特殊利益集团获利的工具,出现政府被利益集团“捕获”的现象(Stigler,1971).在中国经济转型过程中,地方政府也难以摆脱各种潜在利益集团的影响,如在改革过程中,国有部门的利益诉求会阻碍地方民营化和吸引外资的进程,企业可能会影响地方政府出台一些不利于消费者和普通居民的政策.From a political point of view of economics,government officials may b


From a political point of view of economics,government officials may be subject to various interest groups influence public policy introduced by the Government makes special interest groups to become a tool for profit,the Government appears to be interest groups "capture" phenomenon (Stigler,1971).China's economic restructuring process,local governments are also difficult to shake off a variety of potential interest groups,such as in the reform process,the interests of the state-owned sector will hinder the aspirations of the local privatization process and attract foreign investment,enterprise may affect the local government introduced a number of detrimental to consumers and the general population policy.
而且好多的专有名词都不会 这个翻译是谷歌翻的.
From the point of view of political economy,government officials may be influenced by various interest groups and thus make the public policy introduced by the Government the tool for profit of special interest groups.so that occurs this phenomenon that the Government appears to be interest groups "capture" (Stigler, 1971). In
China's economic restructuring process,local governments are also difficult to shake off a variety of potential interest groups,for example,in the reform process, the interests of the state-owned sector will hinder the process of the local privatization and foreign investment attraction;enterprises may affect the local government to introduc a number of policies detrimental to consumers and the general population .
From the point of view of political economy,government officials may be influenced by various interest groups and thus make the public policy introduced by the Government the tool for profit of special interest groups.so that occurs this phenomenon that the Government appears to be interest groups "capture" (Stigler, 1971). In
China's economic restructuring process,local governments are also difficult to shake off a variety of potential interest groups,for example,in the reform process, the interests of the state-owned sector will hinder the process of the local privatization and foreign investment attraction;enterprises may affect the local government to introduc a number of policies detrimental to consumers and the general population .