英语翻译尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们好!我是XXX,今年XX岁; 我一直期望的初中生活从今天就要开始了,真希望在新的年纪,新的学校,和各位同学老师们相处融洽,学习愉快.一起度过愉快的3年初中生活. 在来到这里之前,我的小学生活丰富多彩.六年的小学生活中,在校都能和各位同学和睦相处,不过也有点小缺点,就是我字写得不太好,有时候会影响到其它同学,以后在和大学相处的日子里我一定努力改正. 新的学期里,我愿和大学共同进步,用我们最宝贵的几年时间来完成学业,有困难相互帮助,我一定会第一个上前.请大家监督我.我的自我介绍


Respect teacher, dear students! I am XXX, XX year this year;
I always expect the junior middle school life starts from today, I hope that in the new age, new schools, and all the classmates and teachers get along well, learning enjoyable. Spent a good middle school life for 3 years..
Before you came here, my primary school life rich and colorful. Six years of primary school life, the school can and students live together in peace together, but there are also little faults, is my handwriting is not so good, sometimes will affect other students, and the university later in the days I must strive to correct.
The new semester, I am willing and university common progress, with our most valuable years to complete their studies, there are difficulties to help each other, I will be the first to. Please watch over me.
I introduce myself in here, thank you!
Respect teacher, dear students! I am XXX, XX year this year;
I always expect the junior middle school life starts from today, I hope that in the new age, new schools, and all the classmates and teachers get along well, learning enjoyable. Spent a good middle school life for 3 years..
Before you came here, my primary school life rich and colorful. Six years of primary school life, the school can and students live together in peace together, but there are also little faults, is my handwriting is not so good, sometimes will affect other students, and the university later in the days I must strive to correct.
The new semester, I am willing and university common progress, with our most valuable years to complete their studies, there are difficulties to help each other, I will be the first to. Please watch over me.
I introduce myself in here, thank you!