英语翻译1、 政府非常重视教育改革,并将改革教育体制列为工作的重点.2、发展自己的兴趣,培养自己的友谊,留出时间做自己喜欢做的事情.(cultivate,reserve)3、校方出了一本新手册,制定了一些学生的奖惩制度.(lay down,reward,system)4、开有网店的传统零售商可以给网购的人提供特别的折扣.5、他全身心地投入到工作中,甚至于忽略了他的家庭.由于他的出色表现,他被提拔为公司的执行副总裁.人们都说他理应得到这个待遇.6、他们总结说,除了一两个例外,其他的所有人都支持医疗改革.7、


1、 政府非常重视教育改革,并将改革教育体制列为工作的重点.
3、校方出了一本新手册,制定了一些学生的奖惩制度.(lay down,reward,system)
1, government attaches great importance to education reform education system, and reforms as the key work of.
2, develop their own interests, cultivate their friendship, set aside time to do things you like to do. (to cultivate, reserve)
3, the school out a new manual, made some students rewards and punishment system. (lay down, the, the system)
4, opened a shop buys the traditional retailers can give provides special discount.
5 and he devote yourself to work, even neglected his family. Due to his excellent performance, he was promoted to be the company's executive vice President. People say he should get this treatment.
6, they conclude, except for one or two exceptions, all the other people all support health-care reform.
7, I know I always say you shouldn't eat too much, but you also don't be necessary to go to the other extreme.
8, he believes that diligence redeems stupidity.
1, government attaches great importance to education reform education system, and reforms as the key work of.
2, develop their own interests, cultivate their friendship, set aside time to do things you like to do. (to cultivate, reserve)
3, the school out a new manual, made some students rewards and punishment system. (lay down, the, the system)
4, opened a shop buys the traditional retailers can give provides special discount.
5 and he devote yourself to work, even neglected his family. Due to his excellent performance, he was promoted to be the company's executive vice President. People say he should get this treatment.
6, they conclude, except for one or two exceptions, all the other people all support health-care reform.
7, I know I always say you shouldn't eat too much, but you also don't be necessary to go to the other extreme.
8, he believes that diligence redeems stupidity.