

Along with the information technology, globalization and the progress of the knowledge economy, the service industry in the economic development and people life function more and more important. Because people to the service's attention, it has become the enterprise for market competitive edge tool. Therefore, in the market competition is fierce day by day, the improvement of service quality and improve service, the service as a product to show to our customer, improve market competitiveness catering enterprises are very important. And every service personnel is our production, technology and marketing director, in this paper, the food industry now service of the quality problem and reform measures briefly in this paper.
Along with the information technology, globalization and the progress of the knowledge economy, the service industry in the economic development and people life function more and more important. Because people to the service's attention, it has become the enterprise for market competitive edge tool. Therefore, in the market competition is fierce day by day, the improvement of service quality and improve service, the service as a product to show to our customer, improve market competitiveness catering enterprises are very important. And every service personnel is our production, technology and marketing director, in this paper, the food industry now service of the quality problem and reform measures briefly in this paper.