

Outsourcing meanings: the original in-house corporate services activities in the transfer to external enterprises to implement a business arrangement. Development services outsourcing, the transfer value chain is a non-core business, and to develop its own core business, and to focus on their core competitive edge and achieve lower costs and enhance competitiveness of a win-win situation.
According to undertake outsourcing services to the geographic distribution of outsourcing can be divided into service in the outsourcing and offshoring.
Outsourcing meanings: the original in-house corporate services activities in the transfer to external enterprises to implement a business arrangement. Development services outsourcing, the transfer value chain is a non-core business, and to develop its own core business, and to focus on their core competitive edge and achieve lower costs and enhance competitiveness of a win-win situation.
According to undertake outsourcing services to the geographic distribution of outsourcing can be divided into service in the outsourcing and offshoring.