帮忙翻译成英文,别用软件翻译我上高中的时候,徐老师是我的英语老师,我永远也不会忘记她,那时,她大约40岁,人很精神,起初,我害怕英语,她经常鼓励我,结果我的英语便逐高。 课上,徐老师注重设计不同的活动形式,因此,我们都不觉得乏味,她的课上得头头是道,很有趣,我们经常两人或分组活动,从她那里我懂得了交际是很重要的。 徐老师善于听取学生的意见,她给我们选择的机会,鼓励我们大胆表示自己的心声,她说学生才是学习的主人,就这样,我的英语考得很好。


Mrs.Xu was my english teacher during my high school life. i will never forget her. she was about 40 years old at that time. she was energetic. in the beginning, i was afraid of english. for her encouragement, my english became better and better.
in the class, Mrs.Xu designed many different activities so we did not feel boring. her class was clear and interesing. we often worked out the questions in group, i learnt a lot from her.
Mrs.Xu was good at listening to the students. she gave us the right to choice and encouraged us to express our feeling. she said the students were the masters of study. because of these, i had good score.
一个一个字打的...绝对不是用软件翻译的 算是帮LZ一个忙了 水平有限 只是直译了
Mrs.Xu was my english teacher during my high school life. i will never forget her. she was about 40 years old at that time. she was energetic. in the beginning, i was afraid of english. for her encouragement, my english became better and better.
in the class, Mrs.Xu designed many different activities so we did not feel boring. her class was clear and interesing. we often worked out the questions in group, i learnt a lot from her.
Mrs.Xu was good at listening to the students. she gave us the right to choice and encouraged us to express our feeling. she said the students were the masters of study. because of these, i had good score.
一个一个字打的...绝对不是用软件翻译的 算是帮LZ一个忙了 水平有限 只是直译了