

We now have entered the three, learning is very heavy, stressful. Long hours of study every day that our body burden is too big, is slowly aging, and our mind is also more and more depressed. It is no good, must want to change, so we can exercises. Exercise can not only strengthen our body, also can forget worry, devoted to relax, to ease the pressure is very effective. I think the exercise is necessary, in senior 3 out of life a little time to exercise, it is the wasted effort. We hope our students exercise, with good health, good attitude to deal with the university entrance exam. We now have entered the three, learning is very heavy, stressful. Long hours of study every day that our body burden is too big, is slowly aging, and our mind is also more and more depressed. It is no good, must want to change, so we can exercises. Exercise can not only strengthen our body, also can forget worry, devoted to relax, to ease the pressure is very effective. I think the exercise is necessary, in senior 3 out of life a little time to exercise, it is the wasted effort. We hope our students exercise, with good health, good attitude to deal with the university entrance exam.