   现如今,越来越多的中国人,尤其是年轻人,崇尚西方节日,如:圣诞节、情人节 (Valentine's Day) ,甚至连万圣节 (Halloween) 也日益流行起来。一些学者担心,年轻人过分 崇尚西方节日,而对于中国传统节日的热情逐渐降温。有些人却认为庆祝西方节日只是为了能和朋友一起聚会、放松。请阐述此现象,并谈谈你的看法。 注     意 : 1 .词数 120 左右;



(Valentine's Day) ,甚至连万圣节 (Halloween) 也日益流行起来。一些学者担心,年轻人过分


    1 .词数 120 左右;

      2. 文中不能出现与本人相关的信息。

参考词汇 adore v 祟尚


    Nowadays western festivals are becoming increasingly popular with Chinese people especially the young. Other western festivals such as Christmas Day Valentine’s Day even Halloween are prevailing day by day.

    Some scholars fear that young people adore weatern festivals too much and their passion towards Chinese traditional ones will fade out.

    However some people think western festivals are just some occasions when they can get relaxed or have a party with friends. They think it is unnecessary to reject western festivals.

    As is known to us all Chinese traditional festivals contain Chinese traditional culture and they are our nation’s wonderful work of people’s wisdom. As middle school students we should carry forward Chinese traditional festivals and try our best to keep them celebrated by other countries in the world. So from now on let’s protect the traditional festivals and carry forward our national spirit.

    Nowadays western festivals are becoming increasingly popular with Chinese people especially the young. Other western festivals such as Christmas Day Valentine’s Day even Halloween are prevailing day by day.

    Some scholars fear that young people adore weatern festivals too much and their passion towards Chinese traditional ones will fade out.

    However some people think western festivals are just some occasions when they can get relaxed or have a party with friends. They think it is unnecessary to reject western festivals.

    As is known to us all Chinese traditional festivals contain Chinese traditional culture and they are our nation’s wonderful work of people’s wisdom. As middle school students we should carry forward Chinese traditional festivals and try our best to keep them celebrated by other countries in the world. So from now on let’s protect the traditional festivals and carry forward our national spirit.
