新概念英语2第80课作文答案新概念英语2的作文答案,不是摘要写作的.第80课,作文题如下:按以下思路写作文150字:A visit to a modern exhibition ---how I got there ----the exhibition attracted large crowds---My first impressions ---the things on display ---a walk round the exhibition hall ---the exhibits that


新概念英语2的作文答案,不是摘要写作的.第80课,作文题如下:按以下思路写作文150字:A visit to a modern exhibition ---how I got there ----the exhibition attracted large crowds---My first impressions ---the things on display ---a walk round the exhibition hall ---the exhibits that I like best ---tired at the end of the day.给高分请尽量写好一点,要求高二的水平(词汇与语法方面).可以用用网络翻译工具之类,把你想好的中文翻成英文,但请检查不要有错误.有范文最好,自己写的话要有点水平.不要答非所问!优先采纳好的与快的!
(1) The Crystal Palace,which was built for the Great Exhibition of 1851,was different from other buildings because it was made of iron and glass.Goods from various parts of the world were on display as well as a great deal of machinery.So many visitors came by boat and train that it was possible to build colleges and museums from the profits.After the exhibition,the Crystal Palace was moved to South London,where it remained until it was burnt down in 1936.(84 words)
(2) The Crystal palace was built for the Great Exhibition of 1851.Made of iron and glass,it was different from other buildings,There were not only goods from various parts of the world on display but there was a great deal of machinery as well.This attracted thousands of visitors who traveled by boat and train.Later,colleges and museums were built from the profits.The Crystal Palace was moved to South London and it remained there until 1936 when it was burnt down.(84 words)
(1) The Crystal Palace,which was built for the Great Exhibition of 1851,was different from other buildings because it was made of iron and glass.Goods from various parts of the world were on display as well as a great deal of machinery.So many visitors came by boat and train that it was possible to build colleges and museums from the profits.After the exhibition,the Crystal Palace was moved to South London,where it remained until it was burnt down in 1936.(84 words)
(2) The Crystal palace was built for the Great Exhibition of 1851.Made of iron and glass,it was different from other buildings,There were not only goods from various parts of the world on display but there was a great deal of machinery as well.This attracted thousands of visitors who traveled by boat and train.Later,colleges and museums were built from the profits.The Crystal Palace was moved to South London and it remained there until 1936 when it was burnt down.(84 words)