新概念二的Lesson78的摘要写作怎么写?如题 谢谢了


新概念二的Lesson78的摘要写作怎么写?如题 谢谢了
Key to Summary writing Having read an article on smoking,the writer smoked his last cigarette.He did not smoke for a week and his wife suffered because he had a bad temper and a large appetite.Meanwhile friends offered him cigarettes and were amused to see him produce a packet of sweets from his pocket.When he went to a party,he accepted a cigarette which he was offered by a friend and since then things have returned to normal.(77 words) The writer read an article on smoking and smoked his last cigarette.He did not smoke for a week and his wife suffered because of her husband's bad temper and large appetite.Whenever his friends offered him cigarettes,they were amused because he would produce a packet of sweets from his pocket.However,at a party he accepted a cigarette from a friend.Now things have returned to normal.(69 words) Key to Summary writing Having read an article on smoking,the writer smoked his last cigarette.He did not smoke for a week and his wife suffered because he had a bad temper and a large appetite.Meanwhile friends offered him cigarettes and were amused to see him produce a packet of sweets from his pocket.When he went to a party,he accepted a cigarette which he was offered by a friend and since then things have returned to normal.(77 words) The writer read an article on smoking and smoked his last cigarette.He did not smoke for a week and his wife suffered because of her husband's bad temper and large appetite.Whenever his friends offered him cigarettes,they were amused because he would produce a packet of sweets from his pocket.However,at a party he accepted a cigarette from a friend.Now things have returned to normal.(69 words)