

The Changsha Best
Changsha underground rich heritage,the Shang Dynasty bronze has been unearthed more than 300 pieces,has been excavated tombs were 3000,iron 241,more than 10000 pieces of cultural relics unearthed in tomb.Important archaeological discoveries have Han Tombs at Mawangdui,Ningxiang charcoal river site of bronze,Changsha zhoumalou bamboo,spring and autumn and the Warring States Chu,Tongguan kiln etc..This shows,Changsha as a historical and cultural city in China,the cultural relics in the country is rich,can be counted on one's fingers.
The following list of important historical record.
The world's first iron -- the late spring and Autumn Period iron concave hoe and iron tripod,cast in the late spring and Autumn period (BC 6,seventh Century).
The lightest silk world -- Plain gauze Dancheng vests,Changsha unearthed in Mawangdui.Weighing only 49 grams (about 48 grams),because the silk size is very fine,modern technology can not copy.
The world's first printing fabric -- printed silk quilt cover,Chu tombs unearthed.
The world's first brush -- Changsha from zuojiagongshan unearthed,making in the Warring States period.
The world's first astronomy book -- the real "five-star" and "astronomical weather clutter for" unearthed in Mawangdui,changsha.
The world's first underglaze porcelain -- Changsha kiln unearthed,Changsha kiln is therefore considered to be the birthplace of under glaze.
The world's largest bamboo slips unearthed -- Changsha zouma floor once unearthed more than 14 pieces of the Three Kingdoms Wu Jian,more than the number of calendar year and bamboo slips unearthed.Steel -- the late spring and Autumn Period steel sword products of China's earliest unearthed in Changsha,yang.
The earliest Chinese medical books -- Mawangdui tomb real book,is "in","the world to talk on the" Yin and Yang "," a total of six.
China's largest Shang Nao -- like grain big Nao Shang Dynasty,unearthed in Ningxiang,weight 220.76 kg.
China the largest statue of Shang Dynasty -- four sheep to respect,from Ningxiang,height 58.3 cm,weighing about 34.5 kg.
China's largest copper vase -- Shang Dynasty unearthed in Ningxiang.62.5 cm high,58 cm diameter,abdominal diameter 89 cm,weight 55 kg.
The earliest Chinese metal weighing currency -- with 224 small bronze axe Nao Shang Dynasty unearthed in Ningxiang in 1959,has the functions of money.
China's first standard car road -- Long Tan (Changsha to Xiangtan Road,built in 1913).
China,the largest number of the largest,most complete preservation of the Han Dynasty tomb of Han Changsha country -- the king's tomb.
The world's first - -- Changsha Hongshan bridge structure in the form of no back-stays & inclined pylon cable-stayed bridge,the main span of 206 meters,down without a pier,than the "second -" Spanish Aramaic Luo Bridge length 6 meters.
The Changsha Best
Changsha underground rich heritage,the Shang Dynasty bronze has been unearthed more than 300 pieces,has been excavated tombs were 3000,iron 241,more than 10000 pieces of cultural relics unearthed in tomb.Important archaeological discoveries have Han Tombs at Mawangdui,Ningxiang charcoal river site of bronze,Changsha zhoumalou bamboo,spring and autumn and the Warring States Chu,Tongguan kiln etc..This shows,Changsha as a historical and cultural city in China,the cultural relics in the country is rich,can be counted on one's fingers.
The following list of important historical record.
The world's first iron -- the late spring and Autumn Period iron concave hoe and iron tripod,cast in the late spring and Autumn period (BC 6,seventh Century).
The lightest silk world -- Plain gauze Dancheng vests,Changsha unearthed in Mawangdui.Weighing only 49 grams (about 48 grams),because the silk size is very fine,modern technology can not copy.
The world's first printing fabric -- printed silk quilt cover,Chu tombs unearthed.
The world's first brush -- Changsha from zuojiagongshan unearthed,making in the Warring States period.
The world's first astronomy book -- the real "five-star" and "astronomical weather clutter for" unearthed in Mawangdui,changsha.
The world's first underglaze porcelain -- Changsha kiln unearthed,Changsha kiln is therefore considered to be the birthplace of under glaze.
The world's largest bamboo slips unearthed -- Changsha zouma floor once unearthed more than 14 pieces of the Three Kingdoms Wu Jian,more than the number of calendar year and bamboo slips unearthed.Steel -- the late spring and Autumn Period steel sword products of China's earliest unearthed in Changsha,yang.
The earliest Chinese medical books -- Mawangdui tomb real book,is "in","the world to talk on the" Yin and Yang "," a total of six.
China's largest Shang Nao -- like grain big Nao Shang Dynasty,unearthed in Ningxiang,weight 220.76 kg.
China the largest statue of Shang Dynasty -- four sheep to respect,from Ningxiang,height 58.3 cm,weighing about 34.5 kg.
China's largest copper vase -- Shang Dynasty unearthed in Ningxiang.62.5 cm high,58 cm diameter,abdominal diameter 89 cm,weight 55 kg.
The earliest Chinese metal weighing currency -- with 224 small bronze axe Nao Shang Dynasty unearthed in Ningxiang in 1959,has the functions of money.
China's first standard car road -- Long Tan (Changsha to Xiangtan Road,built in 1913).
China,the largest number of the largest,most complete preservation of the Han Dynasty tomb of Han Changsha country -- the king's tomb.
The world's first - -- Changsha Hongshan bridge structure in the form of no back-stays & inclined pylon cable-stayed bridge,the main span of 206 meters,down without a pier,than the "second -" Spanish Aramaic Luo Bridge length 6 meters.