

Test HuaLi gardening company base in guangzhou seed chamber, test research of pig cage grassland production and nepenthes proliferation medium optimization. Elite test method is to nepenthes stem section,according to their own growth state of maturity, can be divided into partial tender, tender, old, old, sterilization time setting and the matching, and then observe the bacteria and fungi pollution rate, death and survival rate,to determine which type pitcher plant stem section disinfection combination is the best time to time. Proliferation optimization medium test by culturing chamber transgenerational culture generation of 19 nepenthes seedlings, it respectively inoculated to configure a good ratio of 6 kinds of different concentrations of medium,
do multiplication optimization experiment, to observe the growth status of nepenthes proliferation, calculate the k-factor MR each group of medium size, finally find the biggest multiplication culture medium. Results show that the pitcher in the older and disinfection for 40 min min, study the indicators is the highest, use medium concentration in a third ms + 6 - BA1.0 mg/L + NAA0.1 mg/L, pH6.0, carrageenan 7.0 g/L and other cases, the pitcher in the process of the production process and hence take root biggest harvest coefficient, conducive to production.
Test HuaLi gardening company base in guangzhou seed chamber, test research of pig cage grassland production and nepenthes proliferation medium optimization. Elite test method is to nepenthes stem section,according to their own growth state of maturity, can be divided into partial tender, tender, old, old, sterilization time setting and the matching, and then observe the bacteria and fungi pollution rate, death and survival rate,to determine which type pitcher plant stem section disinfection combination is the best time to time. Proliferation optimization medium test by culturing chamber transgenerational culture generation of 19 nepenthes seedlings, it respectively inoculated to configure a good ratio of 6 kinds of different concentrations of medium,
do multiplication optimization experiment, to observe the growth status of nepenthes proliferation, calculate the k-factor MR each group of medium size, finally find the biggest multiplication culture medium. Results show that the pitcher in the older and disinfection for 40 min min, study the indicators is the highest, use medium concentration in a third ms + 6 - BA1.0 mg/L + NAA0.1 mg/L, pH6.0, carrageenan 7.0 g/L and other cases, the pitcher in the process of the production process and hence take root biggest harvest coefficient, conducive to production.