英语专业1.The tension__as the guest of honor was about to announce the winner.A.mounted B.ascended C.climbed D.raised2.—"We don’t have much time left!The train is to start in 30 minutes.”—" I won’t keep you waiting long.I’11 join you_.”A.currently B.eventuall


1.The tension__as the guest of honor was about to announce the winner.
A.mounted B.ascended C.climbed D.raised
2.—"We don’t have much time left!The train is to start in 30 minutes.”
—" I won’t keep you waiting long.I’11 join you_.”
A.currently B.eventually C.presently D.definitely
3.Diamonds have little_value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.
A.extinct B.permanent C.surplus D.intrinsic
4.The policemen went into action_they heard the alarm.
A.promptly B.presently C.quickly D.directly
5.One of the attractive features of the training was the way the practical work had been_
into the learning process.
A.adjusted B.alternated C.incorporated D.combined
6.Sawdust is not a waste product;it is the main_of particle board,from which some
furniture is made.
A.element B.ingredient C.component D.factor
7.He hated wandering about and expected to find a___position in the Civil Service of
A.permissive B.perceptive C.permanent D.perpetual
8.Despite their good service,most inns are less costly than hotels of__standards.
A.equivalent B.alike C.uniform D.likely
9.For many patients,institutional care is the most_and beneficial form of care.
A.pertinent B.appropriate C.acute D.persistent
10.A monkey is_at a few years old,but a human being isn’t till at least 16.Which of the
following four words is WRONG?
A.grown-up B.ripe C.adult D.mature
11.Your design is not technically_.For instance,how can we make such tiny motors?
A.possible B.imaginable C.feasible D.probable
12.The delegation would spend their first day touring around Bangkok,and after that all their plans were ______.
A.in the air B.by the air C.on the air D.off the air
13.The fire has caused great losses,but the factory tried to_the consequences by saying that
the damage was not as serious as reported.
A.decrease B.subtract C.minimize D.degrade
14.The bulb_was the invention of Thomas Edison.
A.as is know by us B.as do we know it C.as we know it D.as we know
15.Within the last year,astronomers have come closer than ever_.
A.to deciding which of the questions is right
B.to decide which of the questions is right
C.deciding whether the question is right or not
D.and decide which of the question is right
16.This medicine is sold everywhere in the country,so you may buy it¬¬¬¬¬_.
A.somewhere B.anywhere C.nowhere D.elsewhere
17.Superconductors lose electrical resistance only_subjected to intense cold.
A.through B.when C.as D.by
18.Please check the copy_the original before handing in.
A.with B.against C.over D.A and B
19.Bill's performance was_hers.
A.as good as,if not better than,B.so good as,if not better than,
C.as good,if not better than,D.as good as,if not better,
1-5 A C D A ('after' missing following the blank) C
6-10 B (meaning 'any of the things that form a mixture to make somthing') C A B C (if use 'adult', it should be 'an adult')
11-15 C A (meaning 'not fully planned') C C A
16-19 B B D A
Many of the answers can be determined with the help of an English dictionary.
Although I'm quite confident, my answers may not be totally correct.
Further discussion is very welcome.
1-5 A C D A ('after' missing following the blank) C
6-10 B (meaning 'any of the things that form a mixture to make somthing') C A B C (if use 'adult', it should be 'an adult')
11-15 C A (meaning 'not fully planned') C C A
16-19 B B D A
Many of the answers can be determined with the help of an English dictionary.
Although I'm quite confident, my answers may not be totally correct.
Further discussion is very welcome.