汉译英,英语专业人士请进,谢绝机译,辛苦咯~汉语的流水句较长,各小句间没有或很少用连接词,加之,句中主语不断变化,因此很难用一句话来翻译.首先应根据语义联系对小句重新组合,将句子分成 两个或多个短句进行翻译.从英语“形合”的特点出发,添加连接词使汉语隐含的语义联系外显化并综合运用英语的表达手段,通过非谓语动词、从句、介词短语等对原文进行重组.


汉语的流水句较长,各小句间没有或很少用连接词,加之,句中主语不断变化,因此很难用一句话来翻译.首先应根据语义联系对小句重新组合,将句子分成 两个或多个短句进行翻译.
Chinese Paratactic Sentence is a little long. There are few conjunctions bettween each short sentances, furthermore, the subjuct is always changable. Therefor, it is hard to translate with a single sentence. First, it is better to rearrenge the short sentences according to the eaning, then dividing this sentence into two or more short sentences to translate. Because of the character of "shape" in English, adding the conjunctions, when translate, can make the sentence easier to understand. With the expression means, which are the Non-finite Verbs, subordinate clauses, prepositional phrases, the original can be restructured.
Chinese Paratactic Sentence is a little long. There are few conjunctions bettween each short sentances, furthermore, the subjuct is always changable. Therefor, it is hard to translate with a single sentence. First, it is better to rearrenge the short sentences according to the eaning, then dividing this sentence into two or more short sentences to translate. Because of the character of "shape" in English, adding the conjunctions, when translate, can make the sentence easier to understand. With the expression means, which are the Non-finite Verbs, subordinate clauses, prepositional phrases, the original can be restructured.