高中英语书面表达(作文)《21世纪报·中学生版》(21st Century-School Edition)于2001年10月15号创刊.请向你校学生用英语写篇介绍,刊登在校园专栏中.介绍应包括下面内容.(100词左右,开头已为你写好,不记入总词数.)需要参考的词汇column栏目 entertainment娱乐 报纸名称《21世纪报·中学生版》出版周期 每周一期,星期一出版栏目1 国内外新闻 2 体育和娱乐 3 4 各种有趣的故事特点及目的 语言浅显,图文并茂,在轻松阅读中扩大词汇量,提高英语水平 以上是


《21世纪报·中学生版》(21st Century-School Edition)于2001年10月15号创刊.请向你校学生用英语写篇介绍,刊登在校园专栏中.介绍应包括下面内容.(100词左右,开头已为你写好,不记入总词数.)需要参考的词汇column栏目 entertainment娱乐 报纸名称《21世纪报·中学生版》出版周期 每周一期,星期一出版栏目1 国内外新闻 2 体育和娱乐 3 4 各种有趣的故事特点及目的 语言浅显,图文并茂,在轻松阅读中扩大词汇量,提高英语水平 以上是作文题目,我希望有高质量的作文出现..要求,无语法错误,包含题干里要求写的信息(不要漏写),有亮点(比如有一两句句式,一两个词的用法很好,很合适)3Q~
Welcome every students to read 21st Century School Edition. This magazine was put out from october t--he fifteenth ,2001. It is weekend-newspaper and is sent out every Monday . It includs four columns. The first column is news about our country and abroad country. The sceond is sports and entertainment news. The third is some hard problems and their soiutions. There are some interting stories in the fourth column.This magazine is planed for a great deal of high school students. It contain many pictures in order to be easy understood . You can enlarge your rememer of english words and improve your english lever. Welcome every students to read 21st Century School Edition. This magazine was put out from october t--he fifteenth ,2001. It is weekend-newspaper and is sent out every Monday . It includs four columns. The first column is news about our country and abroad country. The sceond is sports and entertainment news. The third is some hard problems and their soiutions. There are some interting stories in the fourth column.This magazine is planed for a great deal of high school students. It contain many pictures in order to be easy understood . You can enlarge your rememer of english words and improve your english lever.