最近你和你父母针对“青少年该不该在周末与朋友外出”进行了讨论.请根据下列信息提示以“Should teenagers go out with friends on weekends?”为题,写一篇英语短文.开头已给出,不计入总词数.提示:Your parents’ideas:1、Go over lessons 2、have a good sleep 3、help parents do housework 要求:1、所写内容须包括提示中父母的想法.2、至少给出你的三个想法.3、80词左右.Should te


以“Should teenagers go out with friends on weekends?”为题,写一篇英语短文.开头已给出,不计入总词数.
提示:Your parents’ideas:1、Go over lessons 2、have a good sleep 3、help parents do housework
Should teenagers go out with friends on weekends?
Recently I’ve had a discussion with my parents about whethere teenagers should go out with friends on weekends.
Should We Teenagers Go Out with Friends on Weekends?
Recently I’ve had a discussion with my parents about whether we teenagers should go out with friends on weekends.Different people have different opinions on it.Our parents think we should not go out for the following reasons.First,we must go over our lessons .Second,We should have a good sleep .Third,we should help our parents with the housework .Some teachers hold an positive view but some don't.All the students,me included,think we teenagers should go out with friends on weekends.That is because we have heavy study during weekdays and it is a good chance for us to relax at the weekend.In addition,going out can let us know more about the outside world.
Should We Teenagers Go Out with Friends on Weekends?
Recently I’ve had a discussion with my parents about whether we teenagers should go out with friends on weekends.Different people have different opinions on it.Our parents think we should not go out for the following reasons.First,we must go over our lessons .Second,We should have a good sleep .Third,we should help our parents with the housework .Some teachers hold an positive view but some don't.All the students,me included,think we teenagers should go out with friends on weekends.That is because we have heavy study during weekdays and it is a good chance for us to relax at the weekend.In addition,going out can let us know more about the outside world.