请仔细观察下面的图片, 按要求用英语写一篇100-120字的小短文. 要求: 1. 简述图片中的故事。2. 图片中的故事传达了什么道理?3. 谈谈你的看法.词汇:烟斗tobacco pipeOne day Jack decided to


请仔细观察下面的图片, 按要求用英语写一篇100-120字的小短文.

要求: 1. 简述图片中的故事。
2. 图片中的故事传达了什么道理?
3. 谈谈你的看法.
词汇:烟斗tobacco pipe
One day Jack decided to_______________________________________________________

One possible version:

One day Jack decided to kick the bad habit of smoking. So he threw his favorite tobacco pipe out of the window. Just at that time he seemed to regret what he did and hurriedly ran downstairs and out of the house, just in time to catch the pipe, smiling. Obviously he is still a heavy smoker. The humorous story try to convey the message that once determined, we should never stop to achieve our goal.

If we want to succeed in what we have promised, I think, it involves more about commitment and perseverance. Promises made in our life, like losing weight, giving up bad habits, or study hard, all require these two good qualities, which guarantee the successful fulfillment. Those who change their mind easily will find themselves often in a disappointing situation .

One possible version:

One day Jack decided to kick the bad habit of smoking. So he threw his favorite tobacco pipe out of the window. Just at that time he seemed to regret what he did and hurriedly ran downstairs and out of the house, just in time to catch the pipe, smiling. Obviously he is still a heavy smoker. The humorous story try to convey the message that once determined, we should never stop to achieve our goal.

If we want to succeed in what we have promised, I think, it involves more about commitment and perseverance. Promises made in our life, like losing weight, giving up bad habits, or study hard, all require these two good qualities, which guarantee the successful fulfillment. Those who change their mind easily will find themselves often in a disappointing situation .
