帮我改作文,有错误或有更优美的句子帮我改改~I am from korea but actually born in Canada.I lived in China for 10 years and finally moved to Taiwan.I immigrated a lot of countries because my father is missonary.I have three brothers,big one is in korea to study in college and ot


I am from korea but actually born in Canada.I lived in China for 10 years and finally moved to Taiwan.I immigrated a lot of countries because my father is missonary.I have three brothers,big one is in korea to study in college and others are in here.And now i introduce you about my hobby.When I have freetime in weekend i play basketball with my little brother.I usually play it about 2 to 3 hours.And time goes by but i haven't realized.I hope to play basketball with foreigner in USA someday.
I'm a Korean born in Canada,I had been living in China for ten years and I'm now living in Taiwan.I immigrate a lot because my father is a missionary.I have three brothers,the eldest one is studying at a college in Korea while my other brothers are living here.I would like to talk about my hobbies now.I usually spend my freetime playing basketball with my youngest brother,we woulld spend two to three hours playing the game.Without realizing,time does fly when we are playing basketball.I wish to play basketball with a foreigner in the USA someday.我只是稍稍修改了一些句子,或许不是很专业但还是希望能帮到你. I'm a Korean born in Canada,I had been living in China for ten years and I'm now living in Taiwan.I immigrate a lot because my father is a missionary.I have three brothers,the eldest one is studying at a college in Korea while my other brothers are living here.I would like to talk about my hobbies now.I usually spend my freetime playing basketball with my youngest brother,we woulld spend two to three hours playing the game.Without realizing,time does fly when we are playing basketball.I wish to play basketball with a foreigner in the USA someday.我只是稍稍修改了一些句子,或许不是很专业但还是希望能帮到你.