

It seems that there are many recruitment information;however,it's a difficult job to shoot a job!There are dozens of people lost their jobs,It's common!When you searching for a job,you must adapt to it while the job as well as "adapt to"you.So unemployment is quite inevitable.I think unemployment partly because those who wants good jobs look down upon "small job" and consider themself too great.Thus,when we find jobs,don't be too pround,face them with peaceful and positive moods. It seems that there are many recruitment information;however,it's a difficult job to shoot a job!There are dozens of people lost their jobs,It's common!When you searching for a job,you must adapt to it while the job as well as "adapt to"you.So unemployment is quite inevitable.I think unemployment partly because those who wants good jobs look down upon "small job" and consider themself too great.Thus,when we find jobs,don't be too pround,face them with peaceful and positive moods.