求人给这篇英语四级作文评分~2010年12月英语四级作文1.目前不少父母为孩子包办一切2.为了让孩子独立,父母应该.字数要求150How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?Few days ago,i read the newspaper and found a essay that says the children nowadays are


How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?
How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?
Few days ago,i read the newspaper and found a essay that says the children nowadays are becoming more and more dependent,the reason for that may be a large part of parents do almost everything for their children,including earing,eating,moving and so on.
Everything has its two sides,so does this thing.On the one hand,with the help of their parents,children can do everything successfully and happily.This can add their confidence.On the other hand,these things would waste their parents' time,and with time go on,children can do nothing by themselves.
So the parents should help their children to be independent.Firstly,they can try not to do everything for their children.Secondly,they should also have their own time to work,and let their children to do their own thing by themselves.The last but not the least,parents can give their children more homework to do.
All in all,i can believe children will be independent finally with the things mentioned above.
恕我直言 我估计及格分够呛.
如果不是你敲字的失误的话 首段就问题多多 a essay ;including earing,eating,moving ;且全句缺连词.
Everything has its two sides,so does this thing.这样的句子比较没含金量.
This can add their confidence.还有:with the things mentioned above.这些句子都有毛病
顶楼上的 楼主词汇量和句型都有很大的进步空间 加油~
恕我直言 我估计及格分够呛.
如果不是你敲字的失误的话 首段就问题多多 a essay ;including earing,eating,moving ;且全句缺连词.
Everything has its two sides,so does this thing.这样的句子比较没含金量.
This can add their confidence.还有:with the things mentioned above.这些句子都有毛病
顶楼上的 楼主词汇量和句型都有很大的进步空间 加油~