汉译英。请高手帮帮忙!急~~~~59. 市长在他的电视讲话中详细谈了交通安全问题。他提到自一月份以来,由交通事故造成的死亡人数一直在上升。(TV talk, on the rise) 56.亨利不能参加运动会因为他的腿摔断了。 (because of) 57. 他不惧怕新思想,也不惧怕将来。 (nor+inverted form) 58. 他是一个作家,也是评论家,但最重要的是他是一个政治家。 (above all)


汉译英。请高手帮帮忙!急~~~~59. 市长在他的电视讲话中详细谈了交通安全问题。他提到自一月份以来,由交通事故造成的死亡人数一直在上升。(TV talk, on the rise) 56.亨利不能参加运动会因为他的腿摔断了。 (because of) 57. 他不惧怕新思想,也不惧怕将来。 (nor+inverted form) 58. 他是一个作家,也是评论家,但最重要的是他是一个政治家。 (above all)
1.The mayor speak thoroughly about the road safety on the TV talk.He also mentioned that since this January, the number of casualties caused by traffic accidents has been on the rise. 2.Henry couldn't take part in the sports meet because of his broken leg. 3. Neither new ideas nor the future did he fear of 4. He is a writer as well as a critics ,but above all he is a politician. 楼主,没有比这个更准确的翻译了。 放心百分百 1.The mayor speak thoroughly about the road safety on the TV talk.He also mentioned that since this January, the number of casualties caused by traffic accidents has been on the rise. 2.Henry couldn't take part in the sports meet because of his broken leg. 3. Neither new ideas nor the future did he fear of 4. He is a writer as well as a critics ,but above all he is a politician. 楼主,没有比这个更准确的翻译了。 放心百分百