英语口语作文一篇.Do you like shopping online?why or why not?这是2010年广东专插本广东技术师范学院英语专业口语考试的机试题目,我不是英语专业的,求英语专业的熟手写一篇可供五分钟内朗读的口语作文.要求:逻辑清晰,条理完整,叙述全面.在下用来分析和学习.2011年这场考试对在下来说很重要,请本着对小弟负责的态度噢!另:请问该类型题目更偏重于Discussion还是Argument?如果可以提供写作技巧和考场攻略的,再追加100分!写作中尽量使用英语专业级词汇和短语


英语口语作文一篇.Do you like shopping online?why or why not?
Do you like shopping online? why or why not?
With the development of the Internet,shopping online is becoming more and more popular nowadays.There is no doubt that shopping online has some advantages.First of all,it's quite convenient,we needn't go to the shops to buy the things,so we can save a lot of time.Second,we can usually get a discount when buying the product online.The online sellers usually offer a lower price to the buyers.Third,there are many kinds of products on the Internet,ranging from a few yuan to thousands of yuan.They can always meet our demands.
Hower,shopping online,like other things,has some disavantages.The security problem is one of them.Sometimes we may get cheated.We have offered our money,but can't get the product we order.What's more,the product we recieve isn't the one we have ordered online.In addition,our personal information may be let out when shopping online.
Anyway,I like shopping online and have been doing it from long.In a long run,shopping online is a trend and will be used by more and more people in the future.
Do you like shopping online? why or why not?
With the development of the Internet,shopping online is becoming more and more popular nowadays.There is no doubt that shopping online has some advantages.First of all,it's quite convenient,we needn't go to the shops to buy the things,so we can save a lot of time.Second,we can usually get a discount when buying the product online.The online sellers usually offer a lower price to the buyers.Third,there are many kinds of products on the Internet,ranging from a few yuan to thousands of yuan.They can always meet our demands.
Hower,shopping online,like other things,has some disavantages.The security problem is one of them.Sometimes we may get cheated.We have offered our money,but can't get the product we order.What's more,the product we recieve isn't the one we have ordered online.In addition,our personal information may be let out when shopping online.
Anyway,I like shopping online and have been doing it from long.In a long run,shopping online is a trend and will be used by more and more people in the future.