

作品有《蛙声十里出山泉》、《古树归鸦》、《逋蝶》、《罗浮觅句图》 、《借山吟馆诗草》、《白石诗草》、《白石印草》、《白石老人自传》、《齐白石全集》.
In 1864. Was born on January 1 XiangTanXian 1957 September 16, died in Beijing, at age 93. BieHao baishi ShanRen. The twentieth century, one of the top ten painter world culture celebrities.
Qi baishi was born into a poor family, done farm work, had become a carpenter, carve patterns or designs on woodwork carpentry. He learned to swim scenic poems in calligraphy, painting, he will mountains of spirit and the spirit of The Times, make unified perfectly flawless Chinese painting to receive international attention, His simple modesty, confident of spirit made him work, work hard and soft JianJi books are good, worthy of people's artist.
In his works, a flower-and-bird insect fish, scenery, the character no not jing, all new, for modern Chinese painting created a simple and pure and fresh the art world. He successfully with classical black ink painting the avatamsaka sutra conveyed modern art spirit, deeply benefited from the classical style and good at new, so his painting can direct touched by the people, to the world's living beings communicate the wisdom of life and the life of philosophy. His landscape painting expression of his artistic innovation self-confidence and profound dao, his paintings reaches longer than preached sentiment, his calligraphy became generous and powerful, vigorous vigorous BiYi into figure painting, perfected the characters inner expression expression.
He feat painting birds, BiHanMoBao, force rehabilitation have feng, But the painted worm is meticulous, extremely fine, He also praise highly xu wei, ZhuDa, famous, JinNong, especially work shrimp crab, cicada, butterfly, fish, birds, ink and wash, be permeated with nature vibrant breath; Landscape composition singular falls old from seikei, extremely rich creative spirit, Seal cutting alone shots eyes. Calligraphy is remarkably group, everyone.
Works include the WaSheng miles out of mountain spring ", "old birds to crow", "butterfly", "the Louvre find sentence figure", "borrow mountain moans hall poem grass", "the baishi poem grass", "the baishi printed grass", "the old man autobiography", "baishi." complete works of qi baishi.
In 1864. Was born on January 1 XiangTanXian 1957 September 16, died in Beijing, at age 93. BieHao baishi ShanRen. The twentieth century, one of the top ten painter world culture celebrities.
Qi baishi was born into a poor family, done farm work, had become a carpenter, carve patterns or designs on woodwork carpentry. He learned to swim scenic poems in calligraphy, painting, he will mountains of spirit and the spirit of The Times, make unified perfectly flawless Chinese painting to receive international attention, His simple modesty, confident of spirit made him work, work hard and soft JianJi books are good, worthy of people's artist.
In his works, a flower-and-bird insect fish, scenery, the character no not jing, all new, for modern Chinese painting created a simple and pure and fresh the art world. He successfully with classical black ink painting the avatamsaka sutra conveyed modern art spirit, deeply benefited from the classical style and good at new, so his painting can direct touched by the people, to the world's living beings communicate the wisdom of life and the life of philosophy. His landscape painting expression of his artistic innovation self-confidence and profound dao, his paintings reaches longer than preached sentiment, his calligraphy became generous and powerful, vigorous vigorous BiYi into figure painting, perfected the characters inner expression expression.
He feat painting birds, BiHanMoBao, force rehabilitation have feng, But the painted worm is meticulous, extremely fine, He also praise highly xu wei, ZhuDa, famous, JinNong, especially work shrimp crab, cicada, butterfly, fish, birds, ink and wash, be permeated with nature vibrant breath; Landscape composition singular falls old from seikei, extremely rich creative spirit, Seal cutting alone shots eyes. Calligraphy is remarkably group, everyone.
Works include the WaSheng miles out of mountain spring ", "old birds to crow", "butterfly", "the Louvre find sentence figure", "borrow mountain moans hall poem grass", "the baishi poem grass", "the baishi printed grass", "the old man autobiography", "baishi." complete works of qi baishi.