英语翻译中国目前约有汽车一亿辆,不到美国的一半,但是中国对汽车的需求仍在迅速增长.预计到2030年,中国人可能会超过3.5亿辆汽车.私家车扩大了中国家庭的活动范围,丰富了家庭生活,但猛增的私家车也造成了严重的交通拥堵和污染.人们每天的通勤时间可能因为堵车要增加45分钟以上.而汽车排放的尾气和煤炭灰尘混合在一起,构成了笼罩很多城市的雾霾.拒绝 有道翻译 金山词霸


拒绝 有道翻译 金山词霸
China currently has about one hundred million vehicles,less than half of the United States,but China's demand for cars is growing rapidly.It is expected that in 2030,the Chinese people may be more than 350000000 cars.Private cars to expand the Chinese family's range of motion,the rich family life,but the surge in private car also caused serious traffic congestion and pollution.People commuting time may be because of the traffic jam to increase more than 45 minutes.The exhaust gas and coal dust mixed together,constitute the many urban haze shrouded 记得赞我 China currently has about one hundred million vehicles,less than half of the United States,but China's demand for cars is growing rapidly.It is expected that in 2030,the Chinese people may be more than 350000000 cars.Private cars to expand the Chinese family's range of motion,the rich family life,but the surge in private car also caused serious traffic congestion and pollution.People commuting time may be because of the traffic jam to increase more than 45 minutes.The exhaust gas and coal dust mixed together,constitute the many urban haze shrouded 记得赞我