能帮我翻译一下吗?、急用的 .2)教学目标 知识目标:初步感知过去进行时态,进一步培养听、说、读、写的能力. 能力目标:通过听力练习,锻炼英语听力理解能力;通过口语操练,锻炼学生说的能力和交际能力. 情感态度:以自主和合作相结合的学习方式,鼓励学生在小组中协作,共同完成学习的任务, 逐步形成“团队”意识.3)教学重点和难点 教学重点:过去进行时基本形式及用法.教学难点:① 在对话和阅读中整体感知过去进行时语境.② 创设情景,设计话题,在交际活动掌握语法项目.翻译成英语、谢谢


能帮我翻译一下吗?、急用的 .
情感态度:以自主和合作相结合的学习方式,鼓励学生在小组中协作,共同完成学习的任务, 逐步形成“团队”意识.
教学难点:① 在对话和阅读中整体感知过去进行时语境.
② 创设情景,设计话题,在交际活动掌握语法项目.
2) Course Objectives
Objectives of Knowledge:
A. Give students an initial concept of past progressive tense.
B. Improve students' skill of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Objectives of Ability
A. Improve students' ability of comprehending what they hears through listening practices.
B. Improve students' skill of speaking and communicating with others through speaking practices.
Emotional attitude
Combine self-study and group-working together. Encourage students to work in groups, to accomplish learning tasks together, and to develop the sense of teamwork.
3) the Key Point and Difficult Points in the course
Key Point
The basic form and usage of past progressive tense.
Difficult Points
A. Recognize the past progressive tense used in conversations and reading materials.
B. Create settings, choose topics, master grammar rules in real conversations.
2) Course Objectives
Objectives of Knowledge:
A. Give students an initial concept of past progressive tense.
B. Improve students' skill of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Objectives of Ability
A. Improve students' ability of comprehending what they hears through listening practices.
B. Improve students' skill of speaking and communicating with others through speaking practices.
Emotional attitude
Combine self-study and group-working together. Encourage students to work in groups, to accomplish learning tasks together, and to develop the sense of teamwork.
3) the Key Point and Difficult Points in the course
Key Point
The basic form and usage of past progressive tense.
Difficult Points
A. Recognize the past progressive tense used in conversations and reading materials.
B. Create settings, choose topics, master grammar rules in real conversations.