SAT 改错语法题 Many social scientists lament the trend A( toward) shorter attention spans in B(our society) that C(have led) to what D(they) call a sound-bite culture E(no error)书上说没错可否解析下trend 可数否,刚在网上查有的是可数?.怎么看它什么时候可数什么时候不可数?可否给点类似滴词~请问~那toward 是spans的谓语吗.为


SAT 改错语法题
Many social scientists lament the trend A( toward) shorter attention spans in B(our society) that C(have led) to what D(they) call a sound-bite culture E(no error)
可否解析下trend 可数否,刚在网上查有的是可数?.怎么看它什么时候可数什么时候不可数?可否给点类似滴词~
请问~那toward 是spans的谓语吗.为啥捏?toward 是谁滴谓语呢?
① trend 可数
A trend: is a change or development towards something new or different.
e.g.: This is a growing trend.
...a trend towards part-time employment.
—— 柯林斯高级英语词典
② 这句话没错. 因为 that 引导的那个从句 是 修饰 shorter attention spans in our society 的
而 attention span 文中用的是复数 spans.
① trend 可数
A trend: is a change or development towards something new or different.
e.g.: This is a growing trend.
...a trend towards part-time employment.
—— 柯林斯高级英语词典
② 这句话没错. 因为 that 引导的那个从句 是 修饰 shorter attention spans in our society 的
而 attention span 文中用的是复数 spans.