英语翻译急 大学英语翻译 求专业人士 直接用翻译软件的不要都说当今人们的健康意识越来越强了.每天清晨,在公园里、广场上,男男女女、老老少少,都在那儿或慢跑,或疾走,或打太极拳.而日落后,广场上成群结队男女翩跹起舞的场面,真可谓组成了一道亮丽的风景线.现在,无论是在大都市还是在小县城,健身房、俱乐部、健身中心以及健康食品商店到处可见.至于有关强身、保健类书籍和电视节目,更是备受欢迎.
急 大学英语翻译 求专业人士 直接用翻译软件的不要
Said today's people's health consciousness is more and more strong. Every morning, in the park, the square, men and women, old and young, are there or jogging, or running, or Tai chi. But after sunset, the square gathering in crowds and groups of men and women dance scene, it is composed of a bright scenery line. Now, whether it is in the metropolitan or in the small town, gyms, clubs, fitness centers and health food stores everywhere. As for the relevant physical, health books and TV programs, is more popular.
Said today's people's health consciousness is more and more strong. Every morning, in the park, the square, men and women, old and young, are there or jogging, or running, or Tai chi. But after sunset, the square gathering in crowds and groups of men and women dance scene, it is composed of a bright scenery line. Now, whether it is in the metropolitan or in the small town, gyms, clubs, fitness centers and health food stores everywhere. As for the relevant physical, health books and TV programs, is more popular.