英语翻译请帮我简略的翻英文 (不要google或任何翻译软体)以下:在过去的四年移动电话已经在很大程度上改变这些与世隔绝的村庄,人们开始拥有移动电话,可以打急救电话,可以了解到市场上商品的价格,可以经营自己的生意,他们可以联系到供货商及客户,使得有些人可以驾驶出租车、客车.所有的事情都由于移动电话发生着变化.经济的隔绝也将成为过去,如果每个村庄都有移动电话,无线网路,英特网接通学校医院社区.那么志愿者和农业学家们就可以携带他们的通讯器材和可以连接到网路的计算机到每个村庄.那么经济的隔绝也不会再存在了.


请帮我简略的翻英文 (不要google或任何翻译软体)
In the past 4 years, the mobile phone has to a very great degree changed these isolated villages, for the people there have their own cell phones, with which they can call an emergency,get informed of the prices of goods in the market, run their own businesses and get easy access to the goods they need and the clients they need to contact. Their cell phones enable some of them to drive taxis and cars. Everything has changed for the better thanks to the mobile phone.
The economic isolation has also become the past tense, for if every village is connected to the school and the hospital by means of the mobile phone, tha cable TV and the Internet, volunteers and agriculturists may come to the village with their communication equipment and Internet-connected computers, in which case no longer does the economic isolation exist.
In the past 4 years, the mobile phone has to a very great degree changed these isolated villages, for the people there have their own cell phones, with which they can call an emergency,get informed of the prices of goods in the market, run their own businesses and get easy access to the goods they need and the clients they need to contact. Their cell phones enable some of them to drive taxis and cars. Everything has changed for the better thanks to the mobile phone.
The economic isolation has also become the past tense, for if every village is connected to the school and the hospital by means of the mobile phone, tha cable TV and the Internet, volunteers and agriculturists may come to the village with their communication equipment and Internet-connected computers, in which case no longer does the economic isolation exist.