阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示补全文中所缺的单词   It's necessary to discover what you are good at or not and what you like or dislike.   Many students would be unhappy if they (86)f in a very difficult physics course,but in fact they have


   It's necessary to discover what you are good at or not and what you like or dislike.
   Many students would be unhappy if they (86)f___ in a very difficult physics course,but in fact they have known a lot about (87)t___.They realize that they should not become engineers or (88)p___ scientists in the future.So falling can help a student to live a happier life if he or she draws something out of it.They may then decide on their aim and (89)c___ the kind of work that they would be fit for and they would like to do.
   You can't be sure whether you like something (90)u___ you have tried it.If you make a (91)d___that you would like to play the violin,you need to take more music classes (92)b___you know if you are really interested in it.
   It is not (93)e___to hope to be a violinist.You also have to stand the hard practice before you become one.If you would enjoy being a great violinist,but hate the hard and (94)b___work,just give it up.
   It's a good plan to try as many ideas as possible when you are still young.And then you will be able to find (95)o___ what your true interests are.
86答案:failed;该题考查动词辨析;根据句中信息 Many students would be unhappy 很多学生会不高兴,推测下句句意:如果他们学习很难的物理学科学得不够好.该空应用failed,失败.if 引导的条件状语从句中,主句是虚拟语气,构成为 would (should,could,might)+动词原形,从句用一般过去时,这是固定搭配;虚拟语气表示与现实相反或者不可能实现的事情.故该句为一般过去时;故填failed;
87答案:themselves;该考查代词应用;根据后面句意:They realize that they should not become engineers…他们意识到他们将来不应成为工程师…,可知该句句意:事实上,他们对自己很了解.themselves他们自己.故填themselves;
88答案:physical;该题考查词性的运用;根据句中信息:Many students would be unhappy if they failed in a very difficult physics course如果他们学习很难的物理学科学得不够好,很多学生会不高兴;推知该句句意:他们意识到他们将来不应成为工程师或物理方面的科学家 physical物理的,形容词,修饰后面的scientis;故填physical;
89答案:choose;该题考查动词辨析;根据句中信息the kind of work that they would be fit for and they would like to do.推知该句句意:他们然后可以决定他们的目标,选择适合的和他们想要做的工作.故该空应填动词choose,选择.根据句中的情态动词may,可知该空应填动词原形;故填choose;
90答案:Until;该题考查连词辨析;根据句中信息You can't be sure你不能确定你是否喜欢什么,和后面的首字母u可知该句句意:直到您尝试它(才知道).该空应填Until,not …until,直到…才;故填Until;
91答案:decision;该题考查固定短语;根据句中信息If you make a d…that you would like to play the violin,推知该句句意:如果你决定你想要拉小提琴.make a decision 做决定,相当于decide;故填decision;
92答案:before;该题考查连词的辨析;根据句意,在"you know if you are really interested in it自己是否真得对它感兴趣"之前,"you need to take more music classes你需要上更多的音乐课",故该空应填before 在…之前;故填before;
93答案:enough;该题考查固定句式;根据句中信息It is not e---to hope to be a violinist.可知该句考查固定句式:It is/was+形容词/名词+to do sth.做…是(如何的).该句句意:只是希望成为一个小提琴家是不够的;在你成为一个人之前,你还必须忍受艰苦的训练;enough足够的,形容词.故填enough;
94答案:boring;该题考查形容词的运用;根据句中信息just give it up那就干脆放弃;推知该句句意:如果只是喜欢当一名伟大的小提琴家,而不喜欢艰苦和无聊的努力,boring无聊的/枯燥的,形容词,修饰物work. 故填boring;
95答案:out;该题考查固定短语;根据句中信息you will be able to find o…what your true interests are.推测该句句意:多做尝试然后找到自己真正的兴趣所在.find out固定短语,发现.故填out.
86答案:failed;该题考查动词辨析;根据句中信息 Many students would be unhappy 很多学生会不高兴,推测下句句意:如果他们学习很难的物理学科学得不够好.该空应用failed,失败.if 引导的条件状语从句中,主句是虚拟语气,构成为 would (should,could,might)+动词原形,从句用一般过去时,这是固定搭配;虚拟语气表示与现实相反或者不可能实现的事情.故该句为一般过去时;故填failed;
87答案:themselves;该考查代词应用;根据后面句意:They realize that they should not become engineers…他们意识到他们将来不应成为工程师…,可知该句句意:事实上,他们对自己很了解.themselves他们自己.故填themselves;
88答案:physical;该题考查词性的运用;根据句中信息:Many students would be unhappy if they failed in a very difficult physics course如果他们学习很难的物理学科学得不够好,很多学生会不高兴;推知该句句意:他们意识到他们将来不应成为工程师或物理方面的科学家 physical物理的,形容词,修饰后面的scientis;故填physical;
89答案:choose;该题考查动词辨析;根据句中信息the kind of work that they would be fit for and they would like to do.推知该句句意:他们然后可以决定他们的目标,选择适合的和他们想要做的工作.故该空应填动词choose,选择.根据句中的情态动词may,可知该空应填动词原形;故填choose;
90答案:Until;该题考查连词辨析;根据句中信息You can't be sure你不能确定你是否喜欢什么,和后面的首字母u可知该句句意:直到您尝试它(才知道).该空应填Until,not …until,直到…才;故填Until;
91答案:decision;该题考查固定短语;根据句中信息If you make a d…that you would like to play the violin,推知该句句意:如果你决定你想要拉小提琴.make a decision 做决定,相当于decide;故填decision;
92答案:before;该题考查连词的辨析;根据句意,在"you know if you are really interested in it自己是否真得对它感兴趣"之前,"you need to take more music classes你需要上更多的音乐课",故该空应填before 在…之前;故填before;
93答案:enough;该题考查固定句式;根据句中信息It is not e---to hope to be a violinist.可知该句考查固定句式:It is/was+形容词/名词+to do sth.做…是(如何的).该句句意:只是希望成为一个小提琴家是不够的;在你成为一个人之前,你还必须忍受艰苦的训练;enough足够的,形容词.故填enough;
94答案:boring;该题考查形容词的运用;根据句中信息just give it up那就干脆放弃;推知该句句意:如果只是喜欢当一名伟大的小提琴家,而不喜欢艰苦和无聊的努力,boring无聊的/枯燥的,形容词,修饰物work. 故填boring;
95答案:out;该题考查固定短语;根据句中信息you will be able to find o…what your true interests are.推测该句句意:多做尝试然后找到自己真正的兴趣所在.find out固定短语,发现.故填out.