

不管了 先写吧、.
Wangtao goes to school everyday by bus, which will take half an hour. As his father has a car, he wants it to be used for him. Yet his father wasn't on his idea.
In my opinion, I don't think it's neccessary not to agree to use the car, though I understand what his fhather thought that we should do things by ourselves. However, nowadays students are very tired, they should get up early and their schoolbags are really heavy, but seats on the buses are raerly found because of the huge amount of people.
So I really think that Wangtao can sit in the car when neccessary.
不管了 先写吧、.
Wangtao goes to school everyday by bus, which will take half an hour. As his father has a car, he wants it to be used for him. Yet his father wasn't on his idea.
In my opinion, I don't think it's neccessary not to agree to use the car, though I understand what his fhather thought that we should do things by ourselves. However, nowadays students are very tired, they should get up early and their schoolbags are really heavy, but seats on the buses are raerly found because of the huge amount of people.
So I really think that Wangtao can sit in the car when neccessary.