求高手帮忙翻译一段中古英文,查过简明中古英语字典但是有些词查不到orz 在线翻译器没用,回答好可加分The which maters...hath honged and yet hongeth yn compremys be fore the lordis.…..on that other party bienther of hem for the pesing off the sayd quarelle & debatis takyn and chosyn in maner and fourme as


求高手帮忙翻译一段中古英文,查过简明中古英语字典但是有些词查不到orz 在线翻译器没用,回答好可加分
The which maters...hath honged and yet hongeth yn compremys be fore the lordis.…..on that other party bienther of hem for the pesing off the sayd quarelle & debatis takyn and chosyn in maner and fourme as it is conteyned more playnly in a comprimise made thervpon of the whiche the tendere sweth in this fourme......
In wines of whiche thyng to this present compromise my sayd lorde of glouceter hath substribid his name wyth his owne hand Hunfroy glouceter And in semblable forme my lorde of winchester in a nother compromise substribid wt his hand vndir the worde of presthode to stond at the aduysce ordinaunce and arbitrement of ye parsons aboue sayd.
我查过 A Concise Dictionary of Middle English,有些词查不到,也可能是我查的方法不对orz 或者有人能解释一下 hongeth bienther presthode vndir pesing off 这几个词吗?其它词的意思大致可以猜出来,主要这几个词不明白
一般都有现代英文版的 一般都有现代英文版的