

Accelerate the development of social undertakings,and an overall improvement in people's lives.A modern national educational system more perfect,life-long education system has basically taken shape,all the people affected by educational level and the level of innovation and personnel training significantly improved.Employment in the society more fully.Urban and rural residents covered by the social security system has been basically established,guaranteeing the basic livelihood for all to enjoy.A reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution has basically taken shape,middle-income accounted for the majority,absolute poverty basically eliminated.Universal access to basic medical and health services.Social management system more robust. Accelerate the development of social undertakings,and an overall improvement in people's lives.A modern national educational system more perfect,life-long education system has basically taken shape,all the people affected by educational level and the level of innovation and personnel training significantly improved.Employment in the society more fully.Urban and rural residents covered by the social security system has been basically established,guaranteeing the basic livelihood for all to enjoy.A reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution has basically taken shape,middle-income accounted for the majority,absolute poverty basically eliminated.Universal access to basic medical and health services.Social management system more robust.