

摘要:随着大数据时代的来临,社会中的各类数据正以极快的速度增长,图书馆也不可避免的面临着大数据信息浪潮的冲击。该文分析了大数据的特征,图书管理大数据的来源,重点探讨了大数据将会给图书馆带来的挑战,最后分析了大数据时代图书管理的发展方向。大数据对图书管理的影响主要包括:复杂数据处理考验图书馆的数据计算能力、数据分析有传统向深度挖掘带来的挑战及大数据时代对图书馆基础设施的要求。未来图书管理需从探索数据分析技术与工具、重视基础设施建设和数据收集、提高图书管理的智能化程度等几个方面进行发展。关键词 大数据 结构化 非结构化 图书馆
摘要:As the big data era, all kinds of data in the society is growing at a rapid speed, the library also inevitably faced with the impact of the wave data information. This paper analyses the characteristics of data, data source library management, focusing on the large data will be brought about by the challenge, the final analysis of the times books management development direction of large data. Mainly includes the influence on library management of large data: data of complex data processing test library computing power, data analysis to the mining depth of traditional requirements for Library Infrastructure challenges and big data era. Future library management from the exploratory data analysis tools and technology, attach importance to the construction of infrastructure and data collection, improving several books management intelligent degree of development. Keywords large structured data and unstructured Library 摘要:As the big data era, all kinds of data in the society is growing at a rapid speed, the library also inevitably faced with the impact of the wave data information. This paper analyses the characteristics of data, data source library management, focusing on the large data will be brought about by the challenge, the final analysis of the times books management development direction of large data. Mainly includes the influence on library management of large data: data of complex data processing test library computing power, data analysis to the mining depth of traditional requirements for Library Infrastructure challenges and big data era. Future library management from the exploratory data analysis tools and technology, attach importance to the construction of infrastructure and data collection, improving several books management intelligent degree of development. Keywords large structured data and unstructured Library