英语翻译西方婚礼也相当看重对颜色的选择,在美国流传着种有关婚礼颜色的象征意义的说法,大概意思是:自色的婚礼中,你将切如意;蓝色婚礼证明你选对了新郎;棕色婚礼预示你们将生活在小镇上;绿色婚礼预示你将羞与见人;红色婚礼是给自己下死亡咒语;黄色婚礼预示你找错了新郎;黑色婚礼,还是趁早取消.他们把白色作为是结婚装饰色调的首选,因此,无论是在新房还是在婚礼教堂都装饰了白色系列的鲜花,给人以安静和祥的气氛;而新娘所穿的婚纱也一律是白色,身穿白色婚纱的新娘被认为是纯洁无暇的.说了拒绝机器 2楼的朋友!2楼的更搞笑 还装


说了拒绝机器 2楼的朋友!2楼的更搞笑 还装。
Western wedding is also important to select the color in the United States circulated a species related to the symbolism of the wedding colors that perhaps the meaning is:Since the color of the wedding,you will cut wishful; blue wedding that you choose yes groom; brown herald your wedding will be living in a small town; green wedding foreshadowed shame and you will see people; red wedding give themselves are under the spell of death; yellow indicates the wedding the groom you have got it wrong; black wedding or early cancellation.They are married to white as the color of choice for decoration,therefore,whether in a new house or in the wedding chapel are decorated with white flowers series,gives an atmosphere of quiet and Andrew; The bride wornWedding are also all white,wearing a white wedding the bride is considered pure and immaculate. Western wedding is also important to select the color in the United States circulated a species related to the symbolism of the wedding colors that perhaps the meaning is:Since the color of the wedding,you will cut wishful; blue wedding that you choose yes groom; brown herald your wedding will be living in a small town; green wedding foreshadowed shame and you will see people; red wedding give themselves are under the spell of death; yellow indicates the wedding the groom you have got it wrong; black wedding or early cancellation.They are married to white as the color of choice for decoration,therefore,whether in a new house or in the wedding chapel are decorated with white flowers series,gives an atmosphere of quiet and Andrew; The bride wornWedding are also all white,wearing a white wedding the bride is considered pure and immaculate.