英语翻译很多事物的运行方式一直在变化着,连乞讨也不例外,也不知道何时起,地铁里乞讨的清一色的都带着个喇叭,边唱歌变乞讨.昨天晚上在家吃饭,突然窗外响起了曲风凄惨的戏曲,久久不曾停止.走到窗前,看到一个老头带着高音喇叭用这种方式挨个商铺挨个商铺的掏钱.这种行为正是讨厌,恶劣.却又不得不承认很高明.Things always change even about the begging way.Can't remember when,almost all the beggers in the undertrai


Things always change even about the begging way.Can't remember when,almost all the beggers in the undertrain start bring a poor speaker and singing a terrible when they are begging.Yesterday,when I was having dinner at home,suddenly heared big noise traditional Chinese opera which in miserable style,and long time didn't stop.So you came to window,I saw an ugly old man just using a poor speaker with super high voice and playing a super sad opera and begging one shop by one shop.And the shop owner had to give him money then could let him leave.This way was really not good,and scurviness.But can't deny the way was also really remarkable.
Operation mode of many things is being changed,so is the beging,I did not know the time when all the beggars weared a loudspeaker and beged with the song.When I had a diner at home yesterday,all of sudden tragic opera music sounded out of windows and sounded for long time.Came to the window,saw that a oldman with a high-pitch loudspeaker begged from one shop to anther.This is a kind of behaviour disgreeable and odious,but I had to admit it was very smart. Operation mode of many things is being changed,so is the beging,I did not know the time when all the beggars weared a loudspeaker and beged with the song.When I had a diner at home yesterday,all of sudden tragic opera music sounded out of windows and sounded for long time.Came to the window,saw that a oldman with a high-pitch loudspeaker begged from one shop to anther.This is a kind of behaviour disgreeable and odious,but I had to admit it was very smart.