一篇五句话的英语作文 好的加分(07广东)上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像(idol)为题,在2,600名学生中进行了一次调查,以下是调查数据偶像 女生 男生伟人 18% 18%父母 25% 11%影视明星 50% 14%体育明星 6% 48%没有偶像 1% 9%写作内容:1 调查时间,调查问题及调查对象2 男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异3 父母在男女生偶像中的排序差异4 男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的差异5 你的偶像及理由五句话.高中作文..好的加分..


一篇五句话的英语作文 好的加分
偶像 女生 男生
伟人 18% 18%
父母 25% 11%
影视明星 50% 14%
体育明星 6% 48%
没有偶像 1% 9%
1 调查时间,调查问题及调查对象
2 男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异
3 父母在男女生偶像中的排序差异
4 男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的差异
5 你的偶像及理由
A survey was held last week in the topic of "who is your idol" among the 2600students.
From the chart ,it can be seen easily that girls tend to have three times more star idols than boys.
To our surprise,parents seem to be idols in more girls' heart and we don't know why.
On the contrary,boys and girls share the opinions on great man just because they are really far away from their true life.
Well ,including in the survey,my idols are my parents because they gave birth to me and provided me a happy childhood.
我也是高三的,^ ^
A survey was held last week in the topic of "who is your idol" among the 2600students.
From the chart ,it can be seen easily that girls tend to have three times more star idols than boys.
To our surprise,parents seem to be idols in more girls' heart and we don't know why.
On the contrary,boys and girls share the opinions on great man just because they are really far away from their true life.
Well ,including in the survey,my idols are my parents because they gave birth to me and provided me a happy childhood.
我也是高三的,^ ^